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Grouping for the Integration and Development of Residential Estates - TIBI (AIDU TIBI)

To the CITIZENS of the Municipality of TIBI!!!

AIDU-TIBI (Grouping for the Integration and Development of Residential Estates - TIBI) is presenting itself for the upcoming election with the same objective as its first term: 

"To achieve political representation in the Town Council of Tibi so that its voice is that of all of its citizens, who while contributing to the development of the town with their taxes, have been neglected by the municipal management for too long now, excluded from minimum services and ignored in their basic needs."

In the last elections AIDU obtained representation in the Town Council with one councillor which enabled us to achieve small goals, and also her presence, responsibility, and personal and political honesty contributed to the better management of our Town Council.

In general, our representative collaborated in stabilizing the financial situation, which was in ruins when she reached the Town Council, due to years of mismanagement, during which finances were squandered and projects were undertaken for the town for which there was not enough income; furthermore, while receiving a high level of taxes (IBI Spain) from some residential estates which received no works or services in return, they had managed to paralyse the management of the Town Council.
Stabilizing the financial situation of the Town Council with the necessary cutbacks was essential for promoting the growth and development of the resources, which the entire population of tax payers should be able to rely on for the improvement of their living conditions.
On an individual level, in relation to each one of the residential estates, the management was disastrous until our representative reached the Town Council:
  • Residential estates which still had not been signed off by the Town Council after years of existence.
  • Without road surfacing or lighting.
  • With no water supply, an undrinkable supply or the supply in the hands of another Town Council to which the citizens do not belong, and where they don't even have a vote; which enables them to subject us to totally abusive conditions of service and cost.
  • No effective household or urban waste collection.
  • No securitysurveillance.
  • No access to public transport.
In the last term. Thanks to our representation in the Town Council we have achieved:
  • The taxes on building, installations and works in the town centre and residential estates have been equated.
  • Certain sections of the Public Road Camino del Pantano have been surfaced, which has benefited the residential estates of Maigmo, and the entrance to Bonaire; the vereda real stretch of Aljibe and road repair in Terol.
  • Efficiency in the collection of household or urban waste, both in infrastructure and service.
  • Installation of fire-hydrants.
  • Improvement of the safety of citizens with the creation and participation in the Safety Board, to carry out monitoring to prevent and follow-up on robberies which have been on the increase in recent years.
  • Accessibility of residential estates to public transport with the installation of a bus stop on the Alcoy-Alicante route.
  • In the annual proposals during these years a budget item has been created for residential estates.
Our presence in the Town Council of Tibi is essential because, although in the last four years achievements have been limited due to the incredible debt we already mentioned, the upcoming four years will be decisive and you can count on us in the aim of important objectives such as:
  • Land-use Planning, with a Master Plan for infrastructure and definitive and long-term urban planning for the region of Tibi.
  • New infrastructure and the improvement of existing infrastructure.
  • Basic services of municipal responsibility such as electricity and water.
  • Better citizen care in relation to health and education for inhabitants of residential estates.
  • Promote the integration of the town centre and residential estates as a possible financial driving force for the town.
  • Develop areas such as rural, ecological and sports tourism which could be a significant source of income.
  • Promote small businesses and the self-employed as a source of employment and wealth creation.
  • Facilitate the implementation of new technology industries located in Tibi in line with financial modernization.

Definitively, AIDU arose from the true sense of politics, caring for the needs of citizens; a sense that party and personal interests of politicians have managed to destroy, and caused so much distrust in the electorate that "Bogus Politicians" have achieved what they wanted, for citizens to abandon their greatest responsibility: their participation by vote.
The moment has come to end this swaying politics of opposing ideologies and defend the profound essence of politics: serving our citizens and AIDU wants to proceed with this vocation along the rocky road which at the start, 4 years ago, made it opt for change and enter into agreements for the governability of the Town Council, to which it is not willing to return because its independent nature must be maintained and now it will only support the proposals it considers beneficial to the entirepopulation of the Town.
We are not talking about right or left, residential estates or the town centre, it is not about confrontation..... It is about a third way, outside of party politics, involving the integration and collaboration of all to achieve efficient solutions to the problems of our Municipality and all of its citizens.
Because the residential estates also belong to the Municipality; and we will defend our integration with the rights and obligations which correspond to us!!!


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Un juez obliga al Ayuntamiento de Tibi a recepcionar la urbanización de Pinares del Meclí (Sentencia judicial)

  JUZGADO DE LO CONTENCIOSO ADMINISTRATIVO Nº 3 DE ALICANTE Calle Pardo Gimeno, 43, 4ª Planta. Alicante. Tl: 965 936 112/13/14; Fax: 965936171 Procedimiento Ordinario [ORD] - 000101/2019 N.I.G.:03014-45-3-2019-0000402 Sobre: Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio Demandante: COMUNIDAD DE PROPIETARIOS PINARES DEL MECLI Procurador: JOSE ANTONIO SAURA RUIZ Demandada: AYUNTAMIENTO DE TIBI Abogado: RAFAEL RAMOS RODRIGUEZ PO 101/2019 EL ILMO. SR. D. JOSÉ Mª A. MAGÁN PERALES, MAGISTRADO TITULAR DEL JUZGADO DE LO CONTENCIOSO-ADMINISTRATIVO NÚMERO 3 DE ALICANTE; En nombre de Su Majestad, D. Felipe VI de Borbón y Grecia, Rey de España, ha pronunciado la presente SENTENCIA nº 92/2020. En la Ciudad de Alicante, a 11 de mayo de 2020. VISTOS por este Juzgado los presentes autos de PROCEDIMIENTO ORDINARIO, seguidos bajo el número de orden "ut supra" reseñado, del presente Proceso Contencioso-Administrativo, en materia de: 2. URBANISMO Y ORDENACIÓN DEL TERRITORIO; y en el cual: Ha sido PARTE


PLENO DEL AYUNTAMIENTO DE TIBI DEL 26 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2015 Con respecto a los resúmenes que venimos entregando sobre los Plenos y las Comisiones de Urbanismo, deciros que, en ellos, hacemos referencia a casi todos los asuntos tratados y, en especial, os comentamos aquellos que consideramos de mayor trascendencia para los intereses de las Urbanizaciones y  Diseminado.  Dicho resumen no es el Acta del Pleno, esperamos que pronto puedan grabarse en video, al menos los Plenos, y, de esa forma, si os animáis, podréis escucharnos a lo largo de tres horas que suele ser el tiempo de desarrollo de los Plenos. En el Pleno del día 26 se trataron los siguientes temas: Nombramiento de un Juez de Paz sustituto por renuncia del titular.  Informe de Intervención para el traslado de créditos con el fin de la provisión de fondos y la dotación de consignación presupuestaria a ciertos gastos.  Aplazamiento de la aprobación de la planta de RCD´s por falta de un informe final de los técni